Acupuncture For Lyme Disease
Acupuncture for lyme disease. Taking a natural approach to healing by using eastern medicine techniques is so much easier on your body. The stronger the body the more able it is to defend itself from disease. Acupuncture can provide support for each individual constitution and promotes the bodys general capacity to heal itself.
The bacterial infection must be cleared through antibiotics. Post Lyme symptoms can include but are not limited to. This is one cause of chronic joint pain that results from Lyme disease.
They feel excited to go out with friends and exercise again like they used to. Acupuncture for Lyme disease has shown remarkable success in reducing the symptoms of the disease. Besides acupuncture and Chinese.
There are no clinical trials or studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating Lyme disease. Spirochetal infections related to Lyme can infect anywhere in the body. In Chinese medicine Lyme disease is looked at as a blood deficiency.
TCM is more often called alternative medicine in the United States mostly due to the fact that it is not a science-based method of treatmenttherefore these acupuncture etc are called pseudo-sciences. Good quality herbs tend to be expensive especially in the tinctured form. She and her associates treat patients both in-person at Accord Acupuncture Herbs in High Falls NY and internationally via telemedicine.
Abnormalities in the skin the joints the heart and the nervous system. While the medical community is still debating about the use of antibiotics acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine continues to be very useful in relieving the symptoms and restoring the functions of those who suffer from chronic Lyme disease. Acupuncture and TCM offer an alternative or adjunct way to help resolve the painful debilitating symptoms of long-term Lyme disease.
Treating People with Lyme Disease with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Lyme related Borrellia and other Spirochetes. Chinese medicine provides one of the pillars in the treatment of Lyme and TBD tick borne disease symptoms and provides support for ones constitution and general capacity to heal itself.
There are no clinical trials or studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating Lyme disease.
Abnormalities in the skin the joints the heart and the nervous system. Erythromycin or cefuroxime may also be used depending on the stage of the infection. There are no clinical trials or studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating Lyme disease. Achy and Swollen Joints Headaches and Dizzy Spells The joints of a person infected with Lyme disease may become swollen painful or inflamed and they may have a limited range of motion. Chinese herbs and acupuncture can help combat the symptoms and bring your body back to balance. Our licensed and experienced practitioners will take the time to listen carefully to your health history as. Treating People with Lyme Disease with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Lyme related Borrellia and other Spirochetes. Acupuncture may help patients relax and feel less pain but it will not rid the body of the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. Ticks are parasitic arachnids small spider-like creatures who bite.
The stronger the body the more apt it is to defend itself from disease. Hillary now trains other health professionals through a year-long training the Holistic Lyme Practitioner Mentorship. Erythromycin or cefuroxime may also be used depending on the stage of the infection. We treat chronic Lyme disease by reducing inflammation making it easier for an injured immune system to get back on track. Hillary also speaks at scientific and holistic medical conferences throughout the US. The protocols we use are based on the decades of research by the world renowned Lyme experts Stephen Buhner and those of Dr. Joint pain is also common when dealing with Lyme disease and acupuncture has specific points that can help with inflammation relieving some pain for clients that may be suffering.
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